Friday, February 5, 2010


This morning I was practically blogging in my head on the way to work, I was frustrated and hating everyone and then I got to work and became motivated and happy, and rarin to go.... I don't know what overcame me, but whatever it is, I AM GLAD..... ALL week I've been this sort of bummy irritable lazy person, not wanting to really doing anything, or see anyone, and so on.... Today I am back on track and feel more like my better self. THANK GOODNESS!! I have tons of things to do because I must begin moving into my new home this upcoming Wednesday!!! YAY!!! I finally got my holiday bonus from work today, and I want to share that about 47% of it went to taxes... Isn't that just friggen WONDERFUL?!! What THE Eff?! I really still can't believe that, I am over it now, but I was pretty upset and (earlier I used the word) flabbergasted by this. It just doesn't seem right.

I was feeling pretty old this week, being so tired and not wanting to hang out with people. I , ME, wanted to go to bed early..HA! We are expecting a snow storm, starting tonight into tomorrow and I am excited to get snowed in. I was talking to a friend about this and she said the same thing, but our ideas of being "snowed in" were totally different. I enjoy being snowed in at my own home so I can get things accomplished around the house, but she was excited to be snowed in somewhere with no parents and tons of friends and booze! hahahahah WoW, I am a dorky old soul right therrrr! Oh well, I like housework, and cooking, and painting, and organizing, and then, and then, and then!!!! I'm not a total old fart and party pooper, don't get me wrong, I enjoy boozin here and there, and playing games, and getting a little rowdy, but I need to be productive, I don't like to feel like I am wasting time. It's an issue I have sometimes, I don't always know how to relax. I think I make other people nervous with this characteristic sometimes. I know Matt feels it sometimes, when he wants to lay in bed and be a bum all day and he can feel me getting nervous and twitchy and wanting to leave to go get SOMETHING done. I get anxiety if I am not doing something productive sometimes. I just always feel like I have SOO much to do. It's not like it's all in my head either. I have lists of things that I want to and need to do. They are actual REAL things. I don't understand how some people have so much time to just play around, hang out, party! Do they have NO responsibilities, or maybe just No SENSE of responsibility??? I don't know. I know people who barely spend any time at home, HOW??? Don't you at least have mail to go through? Or bills to pay? A room to clean? Laundry to do? I dunno. Maybe its a freedom thing. They could maybe do that stuff into the weee hours of the night or morning, where if I were to do that my parents would be like GO TO BED, what are you doing?? Like they have before, when I get my midnight bursts of motivation.

I've really become a blogger hahaha... I kind of can't believe it. I never thought it would happen. I was always afraid to put my thoughts out there into the web universe, but as I've mentioned before there's probably not many people who read my rambles and rants.

Unfortunately, I think I have to end this here. The market is about to close, I have things to do and I need to get out of here early. I will write again soon.

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