Monday, December 7, 2015

Me and My Girl

My lovely little lady and myself having some fun at the park.  I took these on October 30th, she was exactly 14 months old. I've been a little absent here lately, but that's only because I have been very busy working mostly. It's hard to make time for the computer when you're already in front of it too much.
I have been dying to share some of these. I stepped outside of my comfort zone here: I don't usually enjoy getting in front of the camera.  I am much more comfortable behind it. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bits & Pieces of Me

Again, I will be honest, I am forcing myself to sit here and type away.  I get these little inklings to write time to time, but then the moment seems to pass fairly quickly.  I feel like I have been super busy lately too.  I am still in this transition period, with my new work/life situation.  I don't feel completely settled into my new life yet, I haven't found my groove.  I am just beginning to feel myself settling into what is now life -- but it's still going to take a bit of time.  I have been working out much more consistently, spending more time outdoors, and being relieved of some added stresses.  It feels good, it helps me to relax and breathe and let go a bit.  When I am stressed, I am tense, on edge, consumed -- it is hard for me to relax - more than I already seem to struggle with this pleasure.  I sometimes feel like I need to really focus on relaxing to actually relax.  How ass-backward does that sound?  It might be slightly nutty.  It's just sometimes hard to turn off my brain, sometimes I feel like I always have some sort of dialogue running up there.  Sometimes its very elaborate, other times quite simple, it can also be effed up, or completely childish-- it's broad spectrum.  It can be exhausting, and sometimes makes it hard for me to focus on things I am not really interested in... I guess this is why I like writing, or actually get the urge to write, because it's a way to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper, or in this case screen, right?  It's good to see thoughts written out.  Although, I have to say that I think some of my best work has never been written down :)  -- there really could be some truth to that though.  I often start a post in my head, get super excited about it, and then once I start to post, it just totally deflates.....:p

I am currently re-watching Californication on Netflix.  I really like the characters on this show.  Hank Moody and Karen, Runkel and Marci.  They are all so great in their own unique ways.  Prior to this, I was rewatching Weeds for the third time.  I am really sounding cool over here, huh?  I thoroughly enjoy that show, and Nancy Botwin is my girl.  I do this thing now, where I say to myself, "how can I Nancy Botwin the situation", essentially, "what would Nancy Botwin do?"  -- it entertains me, makes me feel a tad bad-ass, and like I can conquer all.

I am not even sure what I am sharing here, I guess it's a little insight into who I am.  How my mind works.  I hope you find it interesting, as we are all different, and we are all a bit similar too.  Celebrate your differences with others, let differences teach you something, expand your horizons, open your mind, learn to understand.  I think too many times, people want to find conflict in differences, and while this is ok, sometimes it's just unnecessary.  And it's good to remind yourself, to reflect, and to accept people for who they are.  I am starting to sound preachy, and it's really getting late.  My husband and I would say "I am staying up for no reason."  So goodnight from me to you! xo

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Ode to Autumn

Tonight I am forcing myself to sit down in front of the computer at the end of the day with a glass of wine and write here. I have been telling myself for a while now, that I would do this, but never actually follow that I spent about 20 minutes straightening up my studio/office/guestroom, I might be ready to write something worth publishing here.  -- It's a Friday night, and I've spent it drinking red wine, baking pumpkin breads - yes plural- one plain, one with chocolate chunks and cashews, folding Zoey's laundry,while watching Bill Maher (kind of a big fan of his), puttering around the house and now that brings me here to the computer typing away nonsense.

Every year, I think that I convince myself that Summer is my favorite season.  I love the long days, cooking outside, swimming, tan skin, the sun, the beach, the flowers, the fruit, the clothes, nights on the deck, etc. -- even though I am grown  up, summer still feels like a bit of a break from reality.  I tend to indulge more in the summer.  And then September comes, and being a resident at the jersey shore has me all like, "locals summer", let's drag this thing out as long as we can! But once the fall eases in, I remember, that Fall/autumn (I'm not sure which I like better) is my  ACTUAL favorite.  It makes me feel alive, the colors, the temperatures, the air seems fresher, nature does amazing things - It is like the Sunday of the seasons -- winding down the year, making you feel comfy and cozy.  My phone and camera are already filled with so many photos of things fall.  My husband's brother recently moved to PA, and we took a ride up there last weekend to go to a Fall Festival at Elk Mountain.  The scenery along the way had me snapping so many photos, I was beginning to annoy myself.  I love driving through the mountains this time of year.  Have I mentioned I love the fall? Anyway, this year I am really embracing it.  I decorated the house the way I've always wanted to with corn stalks, and hay stacks, and scarecrows, and mums.... of course pumpkins too. We went to a fall festival, Zoey and I have been spending lots of time outside on trails, at the park, in the yard.  I have been cooking some seasonal favorites. And I am looking forward to future enjoyable fall days,

FALL in love with Autumn :P

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Importance of Experiences

Lately, I have been coming here to write, and have either gotten sidetracked, uninspired, or began incomplete posts that I have not felt inclined to finish. But today is different, today I am inspired.  I'm not sure if I have posted about my new work situation, but I have recently been blessed with the opportunity to spend two more days a week at home with my daughter.  I am so grateful for it, and feel much more present in her life than ever since it's begun.  Thank you to my boss for creating this dream come true for me!

Today, in honor of fall, Zoey and I went to one of my favorite places in our area, a place I have spent a good amount of time at, but have not been to recently.  It's a county park, with a greenhouse, horticulture center, the cutest bonsai trees, and breathtaking grounds that include a stone gazebo, and a magical garden maze of sorts. Deep Cut Gardens is the name of this glorious place that I hold dear to my heart.  When I was younger, I had always dreamed of being married there -- that didn't happen, but hey, that's life. I loved my wedding. (just sayin)  Anyhow, the place has been updated, more flowers planted, more paths created, new gardens, etc.  It looks incredible! Even more photographic than I remember.  I brought the jogging stroller, we strolled, and hiked, and stopped and smelled the flowers, took lots of adorable photos, ran, blew bubbles -- it was so much fun! We both truly enjoyed ourselves.  On the way out, we stopped by the greenhouse, which I was thrilled to see was open for us to walk through, and as we were about to enter one of the park employees came out with a butterfly in her hands -- a butterfly she had found caught in a web and saved.  She brought it over to Zoey and I, it must have been exhausted from trying to escape the web.  So it just sat in her hand for a bit, the park employee told us it was a yellow spotted purple butterfly -- beautiful, eventually the butterfly worked up enough energy to fly away, but I just absolutely loved that Zoey had this close encounter with nature.  It's not every day something like that happens.  One of my biggest focuses for Zoey is to provide her with experiences. 

P.S. I can't believe what a little girl my daughter is turning into.  It's like she is not a baby anymore.  It's kind of sad, but she keeps getting more and more fun, as well as more and more sweet.  She now likes to cuddle, and hold hands, and caress.  ::::Sigh::::

Is that The Carlton?