Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It's in your head... in your head...

Do you ever feel like you spend too much time in your head?  I absolutely do, and it's a problem. It can be very debilitating.  I've been raised by a family that didn't always make me feel comfortable talking or expressing myself.  There was a lot of anxiety in the house at all times - living in fear of being scolded, criticized, someone snapping at someone else.  It was a terrible environment..... and I think it caused me to have quite a few mental issues.  I sometimes have trouble speaking my mind, doing exactly what I want to do, and even being who I truly am inside.  It's kind of sad.  It also makes me wonder how others perceive me sometimes.  I carry around a lot of anxiety and as much as I try to be conscious of it and let go of it.  It's not as easy as i would like it to be.  I wish I was stronger sometimes, more outgoing, FREE of the anxiety that sometimes control the person I display to the world.

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