Saturday, December 19, 2009


So here I am trying to keep my pledge to blog once a week. I usually am extremely anti-computer on the weekend....Today it is snowing, and I am probably going to be stranded in my house... I need to bake some Christmas cookies but I have to wait until my mother is done doing her Christmas baking.

This year I am not in the Holiday Spirit yet. I've done most of my Christmas shopping, I was on a mission today before the snow started falling HARD....I am hoping once I start to bake, maybe partake in a glass of wine and some Christmas tunage I will then be in the Spirit of Christmas FULL BLAST..... It's not that I am depressed or anything of the sort. It just simply doesn't FEEL like Christmas...

I keep getting interrupted by my family and that is one of the things I HAAAATe about being home when everyone else is.... otherwise I feel like I could be quite the homebody. Part of me was actually EXCITED that today was a snow day and Id be locked inside to putz around my house....

I recently purchased Jack Johnson's "En Concert" Special Edition Album and DVD Film..... I am OBSESSED!!! If you are a big JJ fan, I recommend you buy this. The songs on the album are amazing and the DVD is BEAUTIFUL! I always said I would love to MARRY Jack Johnson, and this has only CONFIRMED these feelings. He is just so "obtainable" and "real" - I feel like he is so chill and easy to hang out with. I would love to either be in his band, or just travel with them. They seem like such a fun, interesting, passionate bunch. Maybe I should see if they are hiring any roadies or anything hahaha... This is my mind.

I got my hair did yesterday. I always want to ask the people that work there if they have ever found a tick or anything "strange" in someone's hair / scalp. I never do though. This is again my mind. I also have often thoughts / feelings that I am going to dye young, or I am going to be unable to bear children, or thoughts of what if I just stepped on the gas and crashed my car into or off of whatever is in front of me....I also recently have a lot of thoughts about having a seizure, I don't know why, but I just think, "what if that happened right now"- Maybe it's a fear in me.......

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