Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Snippet Vol. 17


I don't do things because they are trendy, nor do I avoid things that are trendy.  I like what I like, it is what it is, trendy or not.  I can appreciate things that are not quite "for me", but that doesn't mean I am going to do things just to "keep up with the joneses".  It's important to stay true to you, and not let popularity influence who you are. 

I, sometimes, like things that are "trendy" too, such as coffee, and craft beer, IPAs, food.... and so on... but I am not going to force my tastes upon you, or judge you for not knowing about coffee, or beer, or cooking.  We all should like what we like, and take interest in what we want to, right?  That's what keeps the world going.

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