Tonight I am forcing myself to sit down in front of the computer at the end of the day with a glass of wine and write here. I have been telling myself for a while now, that I would do this, but never actually follow that I spent about 20 minutes straightening up my studio/office/guestroom, I might be ready to write something worth publishing here. -- It's a Friday night, and I've spent it drinking red wine, baking pumpkin breads - yes plural- one plain, one with chocolate chunks and cashews, folding Zoey's laundry,while watching Bill Maher (kind of a big fan of his), puttering around the house and now that brings me here to the computer typing away nonsense.
Every year, I think that I convince myself that Summer is my favorite season. I love the long days, cooking outside, swimming, tan skin, the sun, the beach, the flowers, the fruit, the clothes, nights on the deck, etc. -- even though I am grown up, summer still feels like a bit of a break from reality. I tend to indulge more in the summer. And then September comes, and being a resident at the jersey shore has me all like, "locals summer", let's drag this thing out as long as we can! But once the fall eases in, I remember, that Fall/autumn (I'm not sure which I like better) is my ACTUAL favorite. It makes me feel alive, the colors, the temperatures, the air seems fresher, nature does amazing things - It is like the Sunday of the seasons -- winding down the year, making you feel comfy and cozy. My phone and camera are already filled with so many photos of things fall. My husband's brother recently moved to PA, and we took a ride up there last weekend to go to a Fall Festival at Elk Mountain. The scenery along the way had me snapping so many photos, I was beginning to annoy myself. I love driving through the mountains this time of year. Have I mentioned I love the fall? Anyway, this year I am really embracing it. I decorated the house the way I've always wanted to with corn stalks, and hay stacks, and scarecrows, and mums.... of course pumpkins too. We went to a fall festival, Zoey and I have been spending lots of time outside on trails, at the park, in the yard. I have been cooking some seasonal favorites. And I am looking forward to future enjoyable fall days,
FALL in love with Autumn :P