Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's been a while, but who cares

I haven't been on here in a long time, but its alright... I dont think anyone really reads this anyway....I randomly wrote this jibber jabber yesterday soo I figured what else am I going to do with it....

I dont like to complain-
I dont like to gossip-
I hate to be invasive-
but sometimes I do all these things-

I enjoy making people laugh-
I love helping people out-
It makes me happy to make other feel good-
But it's not always the case-

I wish I could be perfect -
But what is perfect-
Everyone has a different idea of perfection-
Be happy, Be sad, be the best you can be-

Don't judge-
Don't burden others-
Just take life for what it is-
Stress is your own creation-
Don't let it take over......

Life has been good, maybe I will update you one day soon...